Ernesto MancosuIndependent Investment Banking Advisor, Co-organiser of the Porsche Sports Cup Suisse, ZurichJessica ha una straordinaria facoltà di abbinare la sua creatività, le sue energie positive e la sua capacità di ottenere soluzioni concrete. Il suo modo di trasformare concetti anche astratti in piani d'azione attuabili e risultati tangibili è originale e molto efficace. Avere il privilegio di poter lavorare con lei produce l'esito desiderato in modo assolutamente affidabile e piacevole.Jessica’s mix of original creativity, positive energy and her ability to reach results by converting abstract concepts into pragmatic action is both refreshing and very effective. Working with her produces the outcome that you want in a reliable and enjoyable manner.
Anna LungPublisher of The Watch Magazine and, Hong KongJessica 熱情、善良、敬業、勤奮,總是把合作夥伴和客戶放在首位。她是我們合作過最負責任的人之一。Jessica is a passionate, extremely kind, dedicated and hard-working individual, always putting her partners and clients first! She is one of the most responsible people we have ever worked with.
Kees van der SandeDirector and Trustee, Formation Architects, LondonWe worked with Jessica on several high-end residential and listed properties in Central London and the South East. We have found Jessica and her team to be excellent asset managers who make a complicated process as smooth as possible.
Laila FakerBusiness Development Consultant, Eindhoven, Netherlandsكان الي الحظ لأشتغل مع السيدة جيسيكا، حضور و صرامة في الشغل. نجاح مشاريع مضمون من خلال تجربتي معها. موفقة داءماً جيسيكJessica is a businesswoman with excellent interpersonal skills. Her proximity to her teams, her rigour and her diplomacy are at the root of her successful career. She knows how to deliver innovative solutions, understands companies and offers them relevant solutions to strengthen their network of partners through international meetings. It is always a pleasure to work with her.
Brigitte MorinaFounder of beetojey, LondonD’ Jessica esch immer e biz voruus. Sie esch loesigsorientiert, fokussiert und praezis in ihrere Kommunikation. Usserdem suecht si noch Loesige und nimmt «Nei» nid als Retuurgutsche. Mit dere Gattig lieferet sie zuverlessig und mit Sorgfalt und Qualitet.Jessica is always one step ahead. She is solution-oriented, focused and to the point in her communication. Besides, she doesn’t take “No” for an answer and she keeps searching until she finds a solution in order to deliver with quality and care.
Fuad HasanovConceptual Watches, BakuЗа долгие годы делового сотрудничества Джессика проявила себя как мудрый, дальновидный и высокопрофессиональный организатор, превосходно разбирающийся в людях и умеющий глубоко проникать в самую суть продукта. Также очень высоко ценю ее сильную стрессоустойчивость и способность выстраивать четкую и грамотную систему приоритетов, а также уникальную способность двигаться вперед, невзирая ни на что, включая глобальный кризис.Jessica has an extensive understanding of people and always goes deeply into the essence of the product. She’s stress-resistant and can prioritise and move forward fast, no matter the circumstances.
Mick MannionFounder and Managing Director of M3 Consulting, LondonWe’ve worked with Jessica over a few years now; she is great to deal with as she helps clients navigate complex problems with intelligence, sensitivity and creative flair. She can be a tough negotiator too!